Universal Realty & Auction
1421 Old Gallatin Road, Scottsville, KY 42164
Current Landlord's Phone #:
Previous Landlord's Name:
Previous Landlord's Phone #:
Have you ever been sued for unpaid bills?
Have you filed bankruptcy in the last 10 years?
Have you ever been convicted of a felony?
Have you ever broken a lease?
Have you ever been locked out by Sheriff?
Have you ever been brought to court by a landlord?
Have you ever moved owing rent?
Have you ever moved & left damage to a property?
Do you have the total move-in amount available now? (Deposit & rent)
Which property/properties are you interested in?
Emergency Contact: Please list someone not living in the same household
***Please note that Proof of Income is required with all applications. You may send by email to [email protected], fax to 270-237-4427,
or drop it off at the office.***
Additional Info/Comments:
Brittani Shelton - Principal Broker